Anyone watching The Chew on TV?

While I was recovering, I watched a little bit of The Chew on TV. So far, there has been mostly a celebration of food, but my goodness, I am exhausted when I watch it. The gang is all so frenetic and talks a mile a minute, with Daphne Oz chiming in with the occasional, "Parsley promotes sexual health!" and "Cumin speeds metabolism!" I watch them speed-cooking, and it makes me feel like I feel after a frenetic bout of cooking and trying to get a family meal on the table with a toddler around, a cat puking in the background and the phone ringing...My suggestion to them would be to cut 20% of the content and breathe. (Not that they are asking me...) Also, the 5-5-5 segment, five minutes, five ingredients, under $5 feels a bit disingenuous, when they start the clock and the chicken breasts are already pounded thin, the pan is already hot, the water is boiling, and the cans are open. I'm all for quick and easy, but don't set up the home cook for "failure" if it really takes 25 minutes... It's another pet peeve I have with recipes that consistently underestimate the cooking time. "Cook vegetables for 1-2 minutes" often means 8-10, and I do like mine with a little crunch...Oh, and watching Dr Oz freak out about butter in a Holandaise sauce, reference that he was trying to recruit patients, hold the sauce up and compare it to arterial plaque, was so joyless and annoying. He comes off as a total orthorexic-so obsessed with health and restriction that it seriously effects quality of life (simplified definition...) Luckily he was only a guest on the show...What's your favorite food related TV show? I like Top Chef, and Mad Hungry... 


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