Fitness, not Fatness Better Predictor of Health

"Researchers, clinicians, and public health officials should focus on physical activity and fitness-based interventions rather than weight-loss driven approaches to reduce mortality risk."

I  remember literally scoffing about 10 years ago as a family doctor when I first heard you could be 'fit and fat'. I am so glad I learned more. The quote is linked to a meta-analysis looking at ten studies on fitness and BMI. I can get behind this conclusion! Fitness was the best predictor of health, not fatness...Here's another article on the study that is worth a read. I'd love to write more, but no time, no time!Why does this relate to kids? Because there is so much worry about children and weight, and all the worry leads to many parents putting kids on diets and causing far more harm than good (bigger kids and more disordered eating.)  If your child's BMI isn't in the "normal" range, it's not a death sentence. It's far more complex.

Did you make a conversion from weight to health focused thinking? What helped you make that transformation? What convinced you?

Elsewhere this week on the interwebs:

Family meals, getting good sleep, decreasing stress, enjoying regular, balanced meals and moving in fun and sustainable ways leads to better health.Mainly because I LOVE the title (publichealthrants) let me know what you think about this one about poverty and public health and feeding kids...Still worried about fat? Another thoughtful post on why you shouldn't fear fat from Mealtime Hostage. 


Cut Kids Some Slack: Musings on Food Fears and "Helpful" Others


African Peanut Stew/Soup, chicken recipes, and menu plan