GINGER SESAME SALAD DRESSING: Day 1 of ginger week (or how to justify spending $4.99 on a convenience product...)

I try to find convenience items that save time and taste good but I've had a hard time. For example,  I haven't been a huge fan of bottled garlic. I just don't think it tastes like what I want. It only takes about 3 minutes to peel a clove and grate it into a recipe, so I take the time.
This Gourmet Garden ginger paste is another try. It was expensive at $4.99 and did have some ingredients other than ginger, but I justified it by convincing myself it's for "work." So, I'm going to try to use up the whole tube in the next 2 weeks so I don't waste it. Here is recipe #1.
Ginger-sesame dressing (adapted from Vegetarian Planet)
prep time 5-10 minutes
1 1/2 Tbspn fresh ginger, minced or from the tube...
1 small garlic clove, crushed or grated (yes, they mean SMALL clove!)
1 Tbspn smooth dijon mustard
3 Tbspn apple cider vinegar
1/4 tspn ground pepper (or to taste... I do a little less)
1/2 tspn salt (I did a little less)
2 Tbspn sugar
1 1/2  Tbspn sesame oil
1/2 cup canola oil (or vegetable oil)
I started this in a bowl, but changed to just dump all the ingredients in a jar with a top and then put the top on and shook it well. Then I stored the dressing in the fridge to use again.
This was a huge hit. M enjoyed dipping raw veggies into this one. Its always good to have different dips for kids with veggies. The right dip can be the bridge to expanding accepted veggies for picky eaters.
I thought the dressing would be a little zingy for M, but she loved it. I also made a salad and will have another one tomorrow (already have the lettuce washed.) One tip if you're having salad and you need to make it more filling/add protein is to add boiled eggs. Tomorrow we're having vegetarian pizza and I'll make a salad with some boiled eggs. The ginger paste was a hit for this recipe. Tasted fresh, right consistency and a time-saver.
Do you have any favorite convenience foods that taste great?

apricot ginger glazed pork (day #2 ginger)


kid fun in the kitchen