intake analysis (diet diary)

One tool that is proving so helpful to my clients is the seven day intake analysis. I ask families that I work with to keep track of what their child is offered and what they eat for 7 days. Hydee, FFD's fabulous pediatric nutritionist then works her magic. She breaks down macro and micro-nutrients and then I go over the report with families to review schedules, intake and areas for improvement. My clients LOVE the information because it usually brings peace of mind. This is a case where more information helps them relax and do a better job with feeding.That mom who worries about protein?

Finding out her child is getting plenty allows her to relax and back off the pressure with feeding.
The dad who thinks his daughter is eating too many calories?
Finds out she is getting within the recommended amount. That reassurance allows him to focus on doing his job– providing regular and satisfying meals and snacks and gives him the courage to stop restricting her intake. He can let her do her job- deciding how much to eat.
The mom worried about fruits and veggies?
Finds out her three year old is low on fats and Vitamin E. Learns that she's pretty close on fruits and veggies. Adding fats helps those veggies taste better and improves texture and the child enjoys and eats more.
If you would like to explore having an intake analysis and consultation with our team, call 1-888-848-6802 or email

calcium strategies and side dish recipe
