kids and nutrition talk #4, "frosting nutriency..."

I think all the talk at kids about nutrition is not only wasted hot air, but also harmful. They don't get it... Case in point, kids  and nutrition talk #4... (I think it's #4, I wasn't planning on a series.)Yesterday, on our way to Woulette's bakery for our after school snack, I asked M if she preferred the cupcakes at Woulettes or Cupcake Cafe. She said, "The ones at Woulettes' have more nutriency in the frosting. I like it better there." (I love how kids co-opt the language we throw at them, I do not love that she is hearing all those crappy words at school, 'cus she darn sure isn't hearing them at home.)It gets tiresome feeling like you are trying to undo brainwashing...Read my classic post about Cheetos, Subway and nutrition talk. It was probably kids and nutrition talk #1, when the kid was harassed to have to choose a "healthy, baked chip" and then begged for a chocolate chip cookie with this: "Mom, look, they're healthy, they're baked!"This hyper-focus on "healthy" eating have real negative consequences if you have a child who may be prone to anxiety, or looking for a fight. I recently talked with a mom who's son was refusing to eat anything not organic because they were "full of pesticides." And really, does it help any young child? Please write in, if you think it does!So, I post because "nutriency" in a delicious, butter-cream frosting is cute, but truly, it's sad to watch the outside world creeping in on her wonderful, care-free feelings about food.What are your kids picking up in their pseudo-nutrition classes??AND! Coming Valentine's Day, the switch will be official to The Feeding Doctor! Stay tuned, and like me now on FB so I don't lose and of you or feel so lonely!


The Feeding Doctor? Family Feeding Dynamics? What's in a name?


Baby Led Weaning, "starves children and leads to underweight!!"