kids in the kitchen

Studies show that kids who are involved in food prep are more likely to enjoy and try a variety of foods. I found this stalk of brussels sprouts at the local market. It was fun for M to see how they grow and taste the difference between the bigger ones at the bottom and the smaller ones at the top. As usual, when she helps me make dinner, she nibbles on the veggies, a sort of appetizer/pick-me-up while we still have 30-45 minutes to wait.

I had some Thousand Island Dressing which she had never had, so she poured some into a little bowl and ate about 4 sprouts raw. (See my post about eating raw sprouts and how to prep and cook them.)
She pulled them off the stalk with a satisfying "snap" and then I cut off part of the stalk and outer leaves. I cut them in half and she dipped and nibbled. She again chose not to eat any of the cooked sprouts.
  • Don't get into battles. I did not ask or force her to try any cooked sprouts. Her attitude about eating is more important than what she eats any given day.
  • Involve kids in food prep when you can.
  • Include dips as a way to introduce new foods. Small children need fat for brain development and proper nutrition, don't be too stingy with fats. (Infants and toddlers need 30-40% of their calories from fat...)

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